Climate Services
Rwanda Climate Change Portal
Carbon-neutral and climate resilient economy by the middle of the century.
Ensuring Rwanda becomes a developed, climate resilient nation by 2050.
Facts About Climate Change in Rwanda
Rwanda is experiencing increased rainfall extremes. Rainy seasons are becoming shorter and more intense, especially in the northern and western provinces.
Rwanda has experienced a temperature increase of 1.4°C since 1970, higher than the global average, and can expect an increase in temperature of up to 2.0°C by the 2030s from 1970.
Rwanda's eastern regions have experienced serious rainfall deficits in a number of years over previous decades, alternated with rainfall excesses in other years.
Additional net economic costs (on top of existing climate variability) could be equivalent to a loss of almost 1% of GDP each year by 2030 in Rwanda.
In 2018, climate related disasters cost Rwanda more than 200 million dollars in damage to property, crops, livestock and other losses.
Climate Services
Image: Nduba Landfill in Kigali City, (The landfll is known as one source of methane gas which is the greenhouse gas and the short lived pollutants);…
Rwanda’s negotiators led by Mr. Faustin Munyazikwiye – Deputy Director General of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) – are in Bonn,…
On 9 May 2024, Dr Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, Rwanda’s Minister of Environment, and Heike Uta Dettmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany,…
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